Error and warning messages and their meaning
This article summarizes all possible error/warning messages that may be returned to the user and why it is sent.
Status change: highlights whether the case status switches because of this message (if it says running, there is no status change)
Area: highlights to what area the warning/error relates.
Message: body of the warning/error
Type: explains the type of message. Messages of type 'Info' are purely informative, messages of type 'Warning' are sent when a potential error may occur. Finally, error messages are sent when the user must change something about the input.
Input error: highlights whether this warning/error is due to an input error or not
Area | Message | Type | Status change | Input error? |
Meshing | Iteration : All meshing strategies failed. As part of your engineering support plan, a thorough manual investigation was carried out. The meshing issue has been resolved. There might be a loss of quality for these iteration results, due to an adapted meshing strategy. | info | Running | no |
Meshing | All meshing strategies failed. As part of your engineering support plan, a thorough manual investigation was carried out. The issue seems to be related to some errors in processing the uploaded geometry. Please contact support to resolve the issue. | error | Stalled | yes |
Meshing | Meshing issues persist throughout iterations. As part of your engineering support plan, a thorough manual investigation is being carried out, runtime has been extended. | warning | Running | no |
Meshing | Too many cells expected in the mesh for design region Heatsink. RfMin value should be at least m. | warning | Running | no |
Meshing | Conceptual/draft resolution level not able to capture the high geometrical complexity. Resolution level increased to detailed, thus increasing the computational time. | warning | Running | no |
Meshing | Case was unable to be automatically meshed due to the high geometrical complexity. Suggested action: modify the geometry. Please contact support for more information. | error | Stalled | no |
Meshing | Standard design progress slower than the initial estimated runtime has been detected. As part of your engineering support plan, a thorough manual investigation was carried out. No abnormalities were detected, the slow progress is due to high cell counts and complexity in the physics. Estimated end time has been updated. | info | Running | no |
Custom design | The optimization was unable to generate any design matching the provided constraint values, for the specified inputs. Suggested action: modify the constraint values, or select a different design mode. | warning | finished | no |
Custom design | Design process still in progress. Manufacturability constraints are not yet satisfied. Runtime has been extended. | info | Running | |
Custom design | The issue has been resolved. Case restarted. Estimated end time updated. | info | Running | no |
Custom design | The 'pressureLoss' constraint on boundary '' cannot be reached with the provided manufacturing parameters. This may lead to suboptimal results. The low 'pressureLoss' value might be an inherent characteristic of the provided geometry allowing fluid flow to bypass the design region. Suggested action: Consider adjusting the constraint value, modifying the geometry, or modifying the manufacturing parameters. The total number of design iterations has been increased in order to try to eliminate suboptimal designs. The estimated end time has been updated. | warning | Running | yes |
Custom design | The optimization determined that removing no design material is the most optimal for design region '', given the specified boundary conditions and design targets. Suggested action: add a MaximumRelativeVolume constraint to the design region, or select a different design mode. | warning | finished | no |
Custom design | Abnormal case behavior detected. Extremely long runtime expected. Case stopped. Please contact support for more information. | error | Stalled | no |
Custom design | Design process still in progress. Design objectives are still improving. Runtime has been extended. | info | Running | no |
Custom design | The optimization determined that no design material is the most optimal for design region ''. | warning | finished | no |
Custom design | Adding or removing material to the initial design was unable to satisfy the 'pressureLoss' constraint on boundary '', while maintaining a manufacturable design. Suggested action: modify the constraint values, or modify the the manufacturing settings, or select a different manufacturing technique. | warning | Running | no |
Custom design | Choice of targets might lead to trivial results. Please double-check the case set-up. Consider adding a target related to pressure or volume. | warning | finished | yes |
Custom design | The optimization was not able to improve on the configured targets in comparison to the initializer geometry, for the selected design mode. Suggested action: modify the initializer geometry or select a different design mode. | warning | finished | no |
Custom design | It is strongly advised to enable initialization to optimize performance | warning | Running | no |
Custom design | Custom design progress slower than the initial estimated runtime has been detected. Turbulence model 'laminar' is possibly unsuitable for the current case setup. Runtime has been extended. | warning | Running | no |
Custom design | Warning: 'pressureLoss' constraint on boundary '' could not be satisfied, while maintaining a manufacturable design. Suggested action: modify the constraint values, or modify the the manufacturing settings, or select a different manufacturing technique. | warning | Running | no |
Custom design | Iteration x: 'pressureLoss' constraint on boundary '' violated for initializer geometry. Consequently suboptimal/infeasible results will be generated. Suggested action: change the initial geometry or change the constraint value and resubmit the case. | warning | Running | no |
Standard design | Standard design produced poor quality results. Please contact support for more information | warning | finished | no |
Standard design | Failed to produce more than 20% meaningful designs. Please contact support for more details. | warning | finished | no |
Standard design | Standard design progress slower than the initial estimated runtime has been detected. No abnormalities were detected, the slow progress is due to the complexity of the design shapes. Estimated end time has been updated. | info | Running | no |
Correlation | Correlation for standard design with boiling enabled is not yet available, case will be ran with boiling disabled. | warning | Running | no |
Correlation | Case was unable to perform a quick estimation due to instabilities in the flow. Please submit for CFD analysis, or modify the boundary conditions. | error | Stalled | no |
Geometry | Insufficient resources for the given geometry and configuration. Please increase the number of credits. | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | User input error: interfaces missing between regions ['735854' - '735853', '735854' - '735852']. Suggested action: manually add the missing interfaces in the case setup. | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | Draft resolution level not able to capture the high geometrical complexity. Please submit on a higher resolution level, or simplify the geometry. | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | User input error: self intersection detected in region ''. Suggested action: change the geometry file provided for that region. | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | An error occurred. Geometry files missing. Please contact support for more information | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | User input error: region ‘' contains too small component(s). Suggested action: change or remove the small component(s). | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | "User input error: Boundary '' is not in contact with its parent region ''. Suggested action: correct the geometry.” | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | Step file creation and final simulation still in progress. Runtime has been extended. | info | Running | no |
Geometry | The ratio of largest to smallest feature size is too big too be captured in draft mode. Please submit on a higher resolution level, or simplify the geometry. | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | Subregion ‘’ not setup properly, initialization geometry has a higher volume than its corresponding design region. | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | User input error: region '' overlaps with region ''. Suggested action: change the geometry of the regions such that they don't overlap. | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | User input error: The design region cannot be supported by a neighboring solid region for the given manufacturing direction 'Z'. Suggested action: select a different manufacturing orientation, or modify the case setup. | error | Stalled | |
Geometry | The boundary '' in the '' region does not match the geometry of the '' region. Boundaries must completely touch the region they are defined on. Suggested action: replace the boundary ''. | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | Temperatures can reach infinity because no heat sink was detected. Suggested action: define a heat sink through e.g. a fixedTemperatureWall or an externalWall on a solid region. | error | Stalled | yes |
Geometry | User input error: region ‘' contains disconnected component(s). Suggested action: change the geometry to be fully connected or remove the disconnected component(s). | error | Stalled | yes |
CFD | Conductivity value might return non-physical results. | Running | yes | |
CFD | Very high flow speeds detected at the boundary '' of type 'fixedFlowRateInlet'. Simulation highly unstable, thermal behavior could not be simulated. Suggested action: please check the input value and type (mass flow rate, volumetric flow rate, velocity). | warning | Running | yes |
CFD | Instabilities detected in the simulation. Case resubmitted with a different meshing strategy and material property temperature dependency disabled. | info | Running | no |
CFD | Instabilities detected in regions [, , ]. Final results may not be steady-state. | warning | finished | no |
CFD | Iteration 1: High temperatures detected, temperatures possibly not converged. | info | Running | no |
CFD | Instabilities detected while using turbulence model ''. Turbulence model automatically switched to ''. | warning | Running | no |
Manufacturing settings | Maximum channel size must be equal to or larger than the minimum channel size! | error | Stalled | yes |
Manufacturing settings | User input error: The provided manufacturing parameters are too large for the given design space. No results could be returned. Suggested action: decrease the relevant manufacturing parameter values or update the design space geometry | error | Stalled | yes |
Manufacturing settings | No iterative progress of estimation case detected. Likely causes: Very low values for manufacturing parameters Rf and Rc detected. Many design subregions detected. Case stopped. Please increase the minimum manufacturing settings, and/or simplify the case setup. | error | Stalled | yes |
Manufacturing settings | User input error: For radial CNC, the axis of rotation cannot intersect with the design geometry. Suggested action: select 'planar' orientation type, or modify the case setup. | error | Stalled | |
Manufacturing settings | No iterative progress of estimation case detected. Likely causes: Very low values for manufacturing parameters Rf and Rc detected. Case stopped. Please increase the minimum manufacturing settings. | error | Stalled | |
Manufacturing settings | User input error: The provided manufacturing parameter RfMin is too large for the given initializer geometry. No results could be returned. Suggested action: decrease the manufacturing parameter RfMin or update the initializer geometry. | error | Stalled | yes |
Manufacturing settings | User input error: The dimension of the design region ‘' in the manufacturing orientation is too large for the specified manufacturing parameter delta. Suggested action: Increase the manufacturing parameter delta to match the dimension of the design region '' in the manufacturing orientation or modify the geometry of design region ''. | error | Stalled | yes |
Manufacturing settings | User input error: The provided manufacturing parameters are too large for the given design space. This may lead to infeasible results. Suggested action: decrease RfMin or update the design space geometry. | warning | Running | yes |
Manufacturing settings | The provided combination of manufacturing parameters is not feasible. Please verify the manufacturing settings or contact support. | error | Stalled | yes |
Manufacturing settings | A potential block of the fluid flow has been detected for the given manufacturing direction 'Y'. Suggested action: select a different manufacturing orientation, or modify the case setup. | warning | Running | no |
NA | We recently experienced an unexpected issue with our services which led to abnormal behavior for this case. The issue has been resolved, and the case has automatically been restarted. Estimated end time updated. | info | Running | no |
NA | This case received poor quality results due to a bug in the software. A software-update has been released in order to solve this issue. It is advised to duplicate this case and re-submit it. Please contact support in case you have any additional questions. | warning | Running | no |
NA | The optimization was unable to generate any design matching the provided constraint values, for the specified inputs. Suggested action: modify the constraint values, or modify the case setup. | warning | finished | yes |
NA | Abnormalities detected. As part of your engineering support plan, a thorough manual investigation is in progress. The status of this case has been set to stalled. In case the issue is resolved, case status will be changed back to running. | error | Stalled | no |
NA | We recently experienced an unexpected issue with our services which led to abnormal behavior for this case. The issue has been resolved but the case requires a manual restart. Please resubmit the case. | error | Stalled | no |
NA | Abnormal case behavior detected. Case stopped. Please contact support for more information. | error | Stalled | yes |
NA | A recent unexpected issue with our services resulted in an incorrect result being uploaded for this case. The issue has been resolved, and the erroneous iteration result has been removed. The case is running without any issues and will finish as indicated by the expected end time. | info | Running | no |
Simulation | Very high flow speeds detected at the boundaries '',''of type 'pressureInlet'. Simulation highly unstable, flow behavior could not be simulated. Suggested action: please check the input value (pressure), or modify the boundary condition type. | error | Stalled | yes |
Simulation | Case was unable to perform a quick estimation due to instabilities stemming from the flow boundary conditions. Suggested action: replace the fanInlet by a fixedFlowRateInlet. | error | Stalled | no |
Simulation | Simulation is not yet converged. Runtime has been extended. | info | Running | no |
Simulation | Simulation still in progress. Runtime has been extended. | info | Running | no |
Simulation | Instabilities detected in the simulation. Solver strategy 1 unsuccessful. Continuing with solver strategy 2. Estimated end time has been updated. | info | Running | no |
NA | Generation of STEP file format failed for iteration .... STL and 3MF file formats are available. Please contact support for more information. | warning | finished | no |
Case setup | 'TemperatureMinimization' objective is not supported on a boundary of type 'Pressure Outlet'. Suggested action: set the objective in a new subregion which is adjacent to the outlet patch. | error | Stalled | no |
Updated 6 months ago