Properties calculator
ColdStream can work with temperature-independent properties, as explained in more detail in this documentation article. When reading through this article, you'll know that ColdStream can work with the following three input formats for the material properties:
- Scalar input for temperature-independent properties
- List input for temperature-dependent properties
- Polynomial input for temperature-dependent properties
Sometimes it is very useful to know what the material properties are of a material at a given temperature. You might want to estimate the pressure drop throughout your design or calculate the Reynolds number to select the proper turbulence model, etc.
How to use the properties calculator
When navigating to the properties calculator in the utility tab on ColdStream, you'll be treated with the following interface:
In the first input field, you'll need to select what type of material you want to know the properties of (solid or fluid). Next, you'll need to select the proper material from the library. Finally, you'll need to input the temperature (in Kelvin [K]) of which you want to know the material properties.
Once everything is correctly inputted, the 'Calculate'-button will light up. ColdStream will immediately calculate all the desired properties and display them to you together with a graph showing where they are concerning the data on the library page. Clicking on the 'eye'-icon next to the different calculated properties will allow you to cycle through which graph is shown.
For the properties calculator, one may select a temperature-independent material, but this will of course not give any interesting results.
Updated about 1 year ago